In the post-COVID-19 era, there has been a spike in the number of outbound travellers for business, leisure, or recreation. China, Dubai, South Africa, Mozambique and the United Kingdom are the most common destinations for Zimbabweans.

Jet setting is exhilarating but it also has its hazards. The risks may be minor inconveniences such as missed airline connections and lost or delayed luggage. More severe problems may be injuries or illness and even death.

To counteract these inconveniences during a trip, Old Mutual Insurance Company offers insurance packages for individuals, families and business people for international travel.

“Travelling can be an exciting experience but injuries, financial losses and illness during the trip can happen. Luckily, that’s what Old Mutual travel insurance is for,” the insurer says. The policy covers medical expenses and financial losses that could arise as a result of an insured event while you are outside the borders of Zimbabwe.

The premiums are calculated according to the duration of stay outside the country’s borders. Staying abroad for a period of up to seven days attracts premiums starting from USD17.00 if travelling within Africa, USD23.00 if visiting countries in Europe whilst the Worldwide Traveller package with higher coverage starts from USD59.00. A three-month external stretch attracts a payment of USD101 (Africa), USD130 (Europe) and USD336.00 (Worldwide Traveller) respectively. Insurance cover for a period longer than 90 days is currently reserved for students only who generally reside outside the country for protracted periods at their respective college or university campuses.

When travelling, we all expect the itinerary to flow without a hitch. If the insured encounters a medical emergency while abroad, Old Mutual Travel policy has a range of benefits that includes but not limited to hospitalisation, emergency medical evacuation and emergency dental care. In more severe instances where there is a loss of life, the company caters for the repatriation of the remains and one family member assisting repatriation.

Recently a dear friend travelled to the United Kingdom via Dubai. When she touched down at Newcastle Airport, her luggage was nowhere in sight. She was eventually reunited with her suitcase, but it was a harrowing two-day wait. Old Mutual travel insurance policyholders are eligible for compensation for in-flight loss or delay in the arrival of their luggage not covered by the airline. Assistance is also certain for the loss of travel documents (passport). The other benefits of Old Mutual’s travel insurance are the guarantee of personal assistance that include delivery of medicines albeit in Europe and further afield.

Sometimes that much-anticipated trip may be canceled or cut short due to unforeseen circumstances. The insurance company advises that whenever policyholders wish to cancel the cover, they should do so at least two working days before the policy start date or departure date.

Trippers should be aware that the insurer does not provide cover for pre-existing chronic conditions and those participating in extreme or dangerous sports. Injuries incurred during manual labour-related activities are also excluded from cover.

So, what should one do in the event of a calamity?

“As soon as the insured event occurs the insured or any other person acting on their behalf must immediately contact the Assistance Company Centre number with the Insured’s policy number which is stated on the issued policy document”.

To make an informed decision, potential travellers can request a quote on the company’s online portal using the WhatsApp platform or USSD code *227#. Alternatively one can call toll free number 433 from any Zimbabwean mobile network.

Access on WhatsApp

  1. Save the number and text ‘hi’ to 0777227227
  2. Select Old Mutual Products
  3. Select Insurance Services
  4. Select Travel
  5. Select the preferred travel plan
  6. Follow the easy steps to complete the transaction
  7. Get a quotation

Access on USSD

  1. Dial *227#
  2. Select Old Mutual Products
  3. Select Insurance Services
  4. Select Travel
  5. Select the preferred travel plan
  6. Follow the easy steps to complete the transaction
  7. Get a quotation

Text by Perry Kaande


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